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10 Things People With High Emotional Intelligence Do

Most of us have heard about IQ or the intelligent quotient of a person, but few of us are aware of an emotional quotient or EQ. Decades of research state that the Emotional Quotient is a critical factor that sets apart star performers from the rest of the pack.

Emotional intelligence, otherwise known as EQ is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions and those of others in a positive manner that assists you in relieving stress, communicating effectively, and overcoming life challenges. EQ is a detrimental factor for a successful life. This trait is an asset in the workplace and also empowers an individual to live a better, more balanced life.

If you are difficult to offend and have a strong sense of self-awareness, there’s a good chance that you are emotionally intelligent. Here are a few signs that you might look out for. 

  1. You understand your emotions
    Emotion is something common to all of us, but only a few of us can identify them as they occur. Identifying emotions is more important than it sounds because unlabeled emotions can often go misunderstood which can lead to counterproductive actions and choices.
    Emotionally intelligent people can use an extensive emotional vocabulary to describe their emotions as they occur. While people might say that they are feeling “low”, a person with a high IQ can pinpoint the exact emotion. Naming the emotions gives you power over it and you can get a better insight into the feeling, what caused and what should be done about it. 
  1. You can be assertive, without being aggressive
    When you are aggressive while carrying out a conversation surrounding your emotions- it might suggest a lack of control over them. On the other hand, the assertive individual can respectfully advocate for themselves, without losing control.
    People who are low on emotional intelligence are servants to their insecurities that make them act in a dominating manner. However, when you are emotionally intelligent, you can enforce your boundaries and are better able to express yourselves. 
  1. You are open to feedback
    Does constructive criticism by others feel like an attack on you? If your answer is yes you should work on your emotional intelligence. This is important because throughout your life you will be assessed in many ways by different individuals. You can evaluate the value of this feedback and incorporate the advice that is useful to you. If you get offended easily and are too reluctant to accept the criticism, you might miss out on some opportunities for improvement.
    If you are self-aware and know yourself for who you are, it is difficult for someone to offend you, just by feedback. People with a good sense of self-awareness are open-minded and have good self-confidence.
  1. You are empathetic towards others
    When you are better connected with yourself you feel, you are better able to relate to others. You can imagine how different situations might feel and provide support accordingly.
    Emotionally intelligent people can differentiate between what a person might be saying and what is hiding underneath those words. They are concerned about how their actions impact others, and they can better make responses that avoid any kind of hurt. 
  1. You are able to stop negative self-talk
    Negative self-talk is something all of us are guilty of engaging ourselves in. It carries the potential to distort you emotionally and psychologically. Our negative thoughts are just that-thoughts, and not facts.
    An emotionally intelligent person is able to identify negative self-talk as it begins and is able to differentiate between thoughts and facts. They can separate themselves from their thoughts and are able to escape the negative cycle to move towards a more positive and new outlook.
  1. You seek progress, not perfection
    Being emotionally intelligent means being okay and accepting yourself the way you are. It does not mean that they have attained perfection, but they have simply stopped chasing it. Emotionally intelligent people don’t set perfection as their target because they know that it doesn't exist. The unattainable nature of perfection gives an individual a nagging sense of failure that makes them want to give up. People who are emotionally intelligent focus on improvement- they are excited about what they have achieved till now and will do in the future.
  1. You are curious about things
    People with high emotional intelligence are open to new experiences and learning opportunities. They are naturally curious about the world around them and they act to satisfy their curiosity. They’re more interested in filling the knowledge gaps than pretending they don’t exist.
  1. You disconnect
    This means that you get some air and take a break once in a while to rejuvenate yourself. This is important to keep your stress at bay and live in the present. When a person is available to work around the clock, they are exposed to a myriad of stressors. According to studies, something as simple as an e-mail break can lower stress levels. Technology makes it extremely difficult for an individual to relax since an email that can change the train of thought and get you stressing about work can drop onto your phone at any moment.
  1. You practice gratitude
    If you are thankful for things in your life rather than complaining that you are too poor, or so unlucky, you are probably emotionally intelligent. Gratitude is one of the key aspects of emotional intelligence. They are not always seeking a “big break” and can see how fortunate they are. Being thankful for their lives keeps them humble and grounded in reality.
  1. You live a balanced life
    Looking for balance in your life is directly related to being emotionally intelligent. They understand that focusing on a single aspect might lead to neglecting other important aspects. People with high emotional intelligence, look after themselves because they know that health and happiness are precursors to success and not the other way round.


Unlike your IQ, your EQ is highly malleable. You can alter your emotional intelligence by practicing new behaviors. It can help you build stronger relationships, succeed at school and work, and achieve your career and personal goals. When you are emotionally aware, you can better connect with your feelings, turn intention into action and make informed decisions in your life which can help you lead a successful life.


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