A Quick Fix For Anxiety
A person is not worried about real problems so much as about their imagined anxieties about real problems.
Anxiety is something all of us experience as humans. It can be experienced in different intensities and frequencies. Anxiety is more than your occasional worry. Most of the time, it is something that builds along as we proceed in our lives. Other times it might appear suddenly and unexpectedly.
Like any other issue in life, it's challenging to find a quick fix to anxiety. A migraine can get better with a pill that will reduce its symptoms, but the permanent solution might require more effort and time. A permanent and long-lasting solution to anxiety would require you to work with it (for a longer period) and it is best done with the help of mental health professional. After therapy or counseling sessions you can learn certain techniques and skills that will help you manage anxiety in a better manner. If the symptoms are intense, medications can help ( and popular to contrary belief, they are not given for a lifetime). Severe or chronic anxiety may affect your relationships, school performance, or job.
There are certain simple techniques, however, that can be helpful in the midst of an anxiety episode. If you are looking for a few quick or instant solutions to managing anxiety. Here are some of them:
Remember to breathe: This might sound weird because we all are breathing right? When you get anxious, your body usually panics and you start to hyperventilate due to all the neurotransmitters that are released to deal with the stressful situation. Take a moment, sit up straight and breathe for a few seconds through your nose. This will help reduce your heart rate and blood pressure. Doing this from time to time will help you turn to breathe consciously into a second nature when you are under stress.
The 3–3–3 Rule: There are several techniques you can engage in to change your focus from the anxiety-provoking situation. One of them is the very effective 3-3-3 technique. Name three things you can see, three you can listen to, and three things you can feel (clench your fists, touch your arms, move your head, and so on). This will help you gain or regain a sense of control over yourself while focusing your attention elsewhere.
Reach Out: Telling a trusted friend or family member how you are feeling is a very personal decision, but those who are close to you can be a tremendous resource for handling anxiety or other worries. Reaching out can be very effective in managing the psychological as well as physical symptoms of anxiety.
Take a mental step back: Anxiety shifts your attention towards the future, instead, try to focus on the present. Ask yourself- Do I need to do something now? If you do not need to do something right away, make a conscious decision to move away and step back from the situation and revisit it later with a calmer state of mind.
- Meditate: According to research, mindful meditation can help in reducing anxiety and other psychological stresses. Mindfulness is mainly just learning to pay attention to the present and it can be accommodated as a habit if done regularly. If you are new to the practice, guided meditation can be helpful. You can even choose a simple mantra or affirmation that can help you refocus attention toward your breath. Try to practice a few minutes each day and it will be an easy and accessible tool for your anti-anxiety toolkit
- Physical activity: It involves all types of physical activity from walking to yoga and tai-chi. Even milder forms of physical activity help in releasing feel-good chemicals. Since becoming a professional runner and athlete within a day is not possible, it is advisable to do some stretching at your desk, or take a short walk outside.
- Laughter: Laughter has benefits similar to deep breathing. It helps reduces blood pressure. Increases your oxygen levels and helps refocus your attention. Call your friend over or watch that funny movie you’ve been meaning to watch for months. You will be glad you did.
- Be kind to yourself: Always remember that some techniques might help you in the short run but building resilience is a gradual, step-by-step process. Sometimes you just need to do things that will help you feel better. Give yourself time when you need it and be kind to yourself.Â
Coming out of anxiety requires a considerable amount of strength, human delicacy, and judgment. Start with simple things- go out in the sun, try to read a book you love, listen to some light music, talk to someone, and always keep in your mind that this is temporary too. If the symptoms become debilitating, do seek professional help.
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