How to Tell If You Cry Too Much

"Crying can be a form of self-soothing for some, helping the body physiologically calm down and lower your heart rate," Dr. Rutledge says.

Crying can be a means to deal with your emotions in a way that makes you feel lighter about the situation. It helps us release our emotions and process difficult circumstances. However, is crying about everything normal and the best way to deal with a situation? How much crying is too much crying?

You may cry more than usual for a variety of causes, including an instant emotional response. Some of the signs that show that you are crying too much are -

  1. Your crying appears to occur without apparent cause or in response to something that does not appear to be a natural cause.
  2. Your crying does not appear to be related to sadness.
  3. You stay away from people because you're afraid of crying or having an outburst.
  4. Your crying outbursts are very unpredictable.

It doesn't necessarily happen if you cry for no apparent cause on a regular basis. However, it's possible that you're coping with an underlying medical or mental health issue. The following are some of the most common causes of uncontrollable sobbing - 

  • Neurological causes - You may have a pseudobulbar effect if you find yourself crying uncontrollably during a pleasant event or laughing wildly during a sad event (PBA).

PBA is a neurological illness which means that it is caused by nerve damage. Sudden, uncontrollable, and inappropriate crying or laughter are common symptoms. PBA is most commonly caused by a traumatic brain injury or related neurological illness like:

  1. Alzheimer's disease
  2. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  3. Multiple sclerosis (MS) 
  4. Parkinson's disease 
  5. Stroke
  • Crying for no apparent reason might be a sign of a mental health problem. Crying is a symptom of many different types of grief. One form is acute grief which is triggered by a scenario such as the death of a loved one. There's also chronic grief which is frequently linked to a long-term circumstance in your life. Major depression includes sobbing as well as other symptoms such as sleep problems, a lack of enthusiasm in everyday activities, and changes in eating. PBA is commonly confused with depression. PBA appears to lack a trigger or is triggered in inappropriate ways which is one approach to separate them.

You can do a lot of things on your own to deal with excessive crying that is disrupting your life. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Others should be informed about the problem so they are not misled or confused.
  2. Speak with others who are dealing with the same issue and get advice.
  3. Distract yourself with something that is the polar opposite of crying, such as hearing a humorous joke.
  4. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques should be used.
  5. Keep a diary of your episodes to monitor the triggers, length, feelings associated with them, and negative consequences.
  6. Examine your life's stresses and how to deal with them.

It's important to get medical help if you're experiencing uncontrollable crying that's interfering with your everyday life. PBA may be a problem if you have certain neurologic disorders.


Medication or counseling could assist if you experience grieving that is negatively influencing your life or if you have a depressive condition. Your doctor will be able to recommend the appropriate course of action, regardless of the cause.


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