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Making Better Decisions

A decision is said to be made when we choose between two alternatives each projected to have a different outcome. We are making decisions almost every hour, every minute, and even every second in our lives. Some decisions may be small but some might be crucial for our future planning. Lots of thinking is put into making a good decision. Some decisions might be beneficial to us and some decisions might give us a learning experience. Whenever a decision is made we ask ourselves a couple of questions like how the outcome will benefit us and how we'll act which will have an impact on our actions. Good decision-making skill is important in choosing steps that affect our future endeavors. However, it's not important that every decision may require extensive information but knowing how to make a decision can lead to making better choices which can lead to improving our lives. This blog might help the readers in making good decisions. 

The following 5 steps might help our readers to benefit while making good decisions. 

  • No Decision is A Bad Decision- Every thought, every perspective, and every idea is a unique one and it should be noted that every decision should be appreciated even if the outcome is not in your favor. So, the first step in decision-making is that we have to make it clear to ourselves that whatever we are deciding will not be bad and we will get some learning and experience from it.

  • Seek Varied Perspective-The next step for improved decision-making is understanding the knowledge and experiences of people. We can ask people that if kept in a similar situation then on what basis their decision will be based and why. This will give you an idea of how others think about the situation and will help you decide with more clarity.

  • Decide in Chunks- The next step is making a layout or a plan. This will avoid the confusions that come with the process of good decision-making. Taking small steps will help in moving forward with clarity and will help in avoiding mistakes while making a decision.

  • Listen to Your Heart-This is an important step as the decision that you are making will only have an impact on you. It’s important that your ideas and thinking should be valued more even if it is not accepted by the people. At last, the decision that you make should make you happy.

  • Think Positive and Be Motivated-The outcome of the decision will be only good if you have a positive attitude towards it and you are motivated towards achieving your decision. Thinking positive is important in making a good decision. 


     Consciousness is said to be related to the science of existentialism, which is how a person feels his psychological stress and understands its cause and meaning. It is like a stream in the human mind which represents thoughts and feelings and usually consists of a group of accumulated subjective experiences and feelings which are flowing towards something else. Consciousness can influence reality by contributing to a change which is true consciousness or it can contribute towards dedication and becomes false consciousness. It is the awareness of our external and internal stimuli. It is individuals’ thoughts, memories, experiences, and scenarios. Our consciousness is constantly shifting and changing.

    On the other hand, if we talk about cognition, it is the mental process involved in gaining knowledge and comprehension. Cognition includes thinking, remembering, problem-solving, etc. Cognition helps in perceiving the world and forming impressions. It helps in interacting with the world and filling the gaps that need to get filled. 

    Certain authors have argued that some cognitive processes are truly bound to our consciousness. One of the reasons for this is that cognitive functions allow us to rapidly and flexibly adapt our behaviour when necessary. This includes error detection and correction mechanisms as well. Some cognitive processes can be activated by unconscious stimuli. The brain understands conscious behaviour and then our cognitive abilities help carry forward that behaviour. Consciousness usually explains the feeling that we are feeling at that particular period and our cognitive functions come into play by supporting that particular behaviour or experience.  


    Decision-making becomes an important aspect of everyone’s life and to make decisions people have to think rationally. Decision-making is not that difficult, we just need to have confidence in ourselves and learn from our experiences.

    The aspect of cognition and consciousness is different and they perform different functions. The interplay of cognition, consciousness, and the brain helps in making important decisions and looking up at our behaviour by gaining experience from our life and the neuro-functioning of our body. 


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