What will you learn in the course?
Importance, Nature vs. Nurture Interactions, Theories of Cognitive Development, and Social-emotional Development
Critical Areas of Social-emotional Development
Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Mood Disorders: Depression and Anxiety, ADHD, ASD, and LD
Disorders & Interventions - Evidence-based Interventions, CBT Interventions, Expressive Art Therapy, and Play Therapy
Parenting Styles and Their Impact on Child Development, Learning Theories & Application in Educational Settings
Parenting Styles/Educational Psychology - Parent-Child Relationship and Their Attachment Styles, Special Education, Inclusive Education, and Giftedness
Informed Consents with Minors, Legal and Ethical Issues, Career Opportunities
Delve into ethical considerations, legal issues, and informed consent within the field of child and adolescent psychology.
This course is suitable if:
You're an Aspiring Child Psychologist
You're a Counselor Working with Children and Adolescents
You're Exploring a Career in Special Education
Why choose this Course?
In-Depth Understanding
Practical Skills in Child-Focused Techniques
Preparation for Professional Practice